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Amazon Neptune is a scalable, high performance AWS managed enterprise graph database that allows users to build and analyze large volumes of data. It’s suited for highly connected datasets, and offers millisecond latency querying at a high throughput for the most demanding applications.

Querying, visualizing and modifying data using our Gremlin code editor and graph database browser

A simplified end-to-end application architecture using Amazon Neptune(ref:

Neptune database supports mainstream Labelled Property Graph and Resource Description Framework (RDF) query languages: Apache TinkerPop’s Gremlin querying language, W3C’s RDF query language, SPARQL and Neo4j’s openCypher.

It has a small range of official third-party tools including our own. Some of these tools support RDF data, others such as G.V() LPG, together providing a wide array of services to create graph applications.

AWS offers Machine Learning prediction facilities using graph neural networks (GNNs) via Neptune which have shown to increase prediction accuracy by over 50% compared to non-graph based machine learning methods.

G.V() leverages the Neptune Graph schema API and its own data model discovery engine to identify and display the structure of your database in seconds. It simplifies collaboration between developers, organizing and maintaining the structure of their Neptune data.

G.V() is optimized for the Amazon Neptune database to provide state of the art query development facilities and data visualization tools. 

Our graph database client complements Amazon Neptune by providing a rich user experience to easily write and execute Gremlin queries, then visualize, manipulate and export the data across a variety of formats.

It’s secure, easy to install and configure, and runs locally on your enterprise network. You can install and set up G.V() to access your Neptune database endpoint in minutes, then create insightful graph visualization with just a few clicks.

Made for Amazon Neptune Users

G.V() is a multipurpose graph database client compatible with Apache TinkerPop-enabled graph systems. Our solution is one of Amazon Neptune’s official third-party graph visualization tools.

Our software includes unique interactive components that integrate with Neptune’s additional APIs, allowing you to leverage them with just a few clicks, no code required.

AWS Identity & Access Management (IAM) Authentication Support

Use of AWS IAM Authentication is key to secure your AWS resources. Your Amazon graph database might require additional configuration or code to access its data and API resources.

G.V() lets you manage AWS IAM authentication to your graph instance seamlessly by using a range of intuitive configurations, leveraging the AWS CLI or just static IAM credentials.

IAM authentication is also supported on G.V() to consume some of Amazon Neptune’s additional APIs without the need for complex request signing code.

You can even integrate G.V() with AWS IAM Identity-Center via the AWS CLI to prompt for authentication when temporary credentials are missing or need to be renewed. This gives users access to the most secure and user-friendly authentication experience.

Profile, Optimize and Investigate Slow Running Queries with G.V()

Access your Amazon Neptune Slow Query or Audit Logs directly via G.V()’s rich user interface. G.V() allows you to generate query profiles and traversal explanations in just one click from Amazon Neptune’s API, enabling you to fully investigate performance issues in your database queries.

With G.V()’s Slow Query and Audit Logs component, you can search, filter and sort queries executed on your Amazon Neptune endpoint and either view execution metadata in a user-friendly format or re-run the query in just one click.

Search, visualize and explore your data interactively using our no-code Graph Database Browser

Load and view Slow Query Logs detail from AWS Cloudwatch, and replay or profile queries in one click

Search, visualize and explore your data interactively using our no-code Graph Database Browser

A sample graph display using images loaded directly from the graph data

Get Query Profiles and Traversal Explanations from the Neptune API in One Click

The Amazon Neptune explain and profile API provides in-depth information about the query plan and its performance. These features allow you to identify potential bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your queries.

These APIs require that you submit requests manually via command line, which can make consuming the API challenging, especially with IAM authentication enabled.

Integrating our graph database client with the official AWS command line interface makes using this essential feature simple by offering one-click Profile and Explain query output tab. This enables users to further optimize complex queries with Amazon Neptune’s profiling and traversal features. Our visualization tool submits your Neptune Gremlin query to the respective API and displays the results in a modern code editor.

Our software also translates Gremlin queries ending with the .profile() or .explain() steps into their API call counterparts to retrieve query execution plans, without the user ever needing to construct and execute their own Neptune API call.

State of the Art Gremlin Query Editor

Our Gremlin code editor is the most powerful available – it offers data schema accurate auto completion and embedded official documentation to give you all the information and suggestions you need to write your query faster and more effectively. 

Create graph visualization rules for your Azure Cosmos DB data in just a few clicks.

Create multiple queries in the same tab to iterate on your code rapidly

Using our Gremlin language highlighting and syntax checking engine makes your code easier to understand and visually parse, warning you of any error that would prevent it from executing against your Neptune instance.

The combination of our query debugging and profiling toolkit give you unparalleled control to inspect the behavior and output of your graph traversals, with just a few clicks.

Create graph visualization rules for your Azure Cosmos DB data in just a few clicks.

Advanced graph traversal simulation and visualization using our debugger

Create graph visualization rules for your Azure Cosmos DB data in just a few clicks.

Control query execution step by step to visualize its processing

Profiling and debugging graph queries is core to ensure you’re retrieving graph data both optimally and efficiently.

Plug-and-play connection to your database endpoints  

You can configure multiple Amazon Neptune graph endpoints on G.V(), allowing you to run and compare query outputs from multiple graph databases or environments. Additionally, G.V() is fully compatible with a wide variety of Apache TinkerPop enabled graph systems, meaning you can seamlessly switch between locally hosted Gremlin endpoints and your Neptune Graph instances. 

Our connection configuration solution walks you through integrating with your database step-by-step and will get you set up to query and visualize your database in minutes.

Manage and report on data easily

G.V() offers a comprehensive reporting toolkit. You can save queries, parameterize them, and execute them in one-click with predefined output formats. Saved queries can then be organized into folders, replicating a stored procedure structure.

Nodes and edges of your graph can be interactively created, updated and deleted with our data editor, making it easier to manage discrete changes to your Neptune graph database.

Query History Tracking

With the query history tracking feature, you can easily view and navigate previous queries run in your query editor. 

Combined with our Amazon Neptune Audit API integration, you can analyze queries previously run on your endpoint by other consumers of your data and re-run or profile them in one click.

Simplify data visualizations, data analysis and query processes when you
download and install our Amazon Neptune Graph visualization tool today. 


Turn data into insights with our tools assisting you from query design to graph visualization.
Sign up for a free trial today and discover how G.V() can help you streamline data analysis. 

A Powerful Database Client for Neptune Graph Visualizations

Simplify day to day database development, management and reporting using graph database client. Our comprehensive Gremlin IDE offers smart autocomplete, a rich UI and a one-of-a-kind powerful debugging feature, along with no-code data exploration features and interactive data visualizations.

G.V() is one of the few tools available on the market that can fully integrate with Neptune’s many API features, and consume them with just one click. 

We have a small, close-knit team that has been involved in the development of this cost-effective product which we update and upgrade continuously. We do this by collaborating with our customers, processing their requirements, and enhancing our solution accordingly. 

If you have any suggestions for improvement, follow us on Twitter (X) or get in touch with us at

Create intuitive graphs with G.V() — an efficient Amazon Neptune graph visualization tool.
Download our software and discover the additional databases we support by starting a free trial today.